2021 Virtual Invasive Species Smackdown - 6/25 to 8/7/21
The annual Anchorage invasive species smackdown (formerly known as Anchorage weed smackdown) is an important community event to assist in protection of the habitats around the city and spread awareness about the threats posed by invasive species. We've hosted an in-person event for 9 years and in 2020 held our first virtual smackdown event in response to COVID-19*. We've decided to repeat a virtual smackdown for six weeks in 2021. Participants are encouraged to get creative with invasive species outreach.
Suggestions of ways to participate include: Suggestions for Invasive Species to Use in Project
Suggestions of ways to participate include: Suggestions for Invasive Species to Use in Project
- Make an art project depicting how invasive species impact Alaska
- Write an essay about the importance of invasive species research or the ecological impacts of invasive species in Alaska
- Write a letter to the editor of the Anchorage Daily News, Anchorage Press, or other publication
- Make a YouTube or TikTok video to share with your classmates or friends
- Compose a post on a social media platform of your choice to raise awareness about invasive species
- If you post on social media, please use the hashtags #AnchorageInvasiveSpeciesSmackdown2021 and #KeepAlaskaWildAndFree
- Compose an invasive species informational brochure to give to friends and family
- You can choose one invasive species, discuss invasive species in general, or share an educational campaign, such as "Clean, Drain, Dry" for boaters or "Play, Clean , Go" for terrestrial recreation
- Load the Alaska Weeds ID.app on your smartphone to identify invasive plants and easily submit those observations
- Any other method you can think of to help raise awareness about invasive species in Alaska!
How to sign up Starting June 25, 2021 and through August 7, 2021 - use the button to the right
How to report your participation Do this as soon as you have completed your participation but no later than August 7, 2021 at 5:00 PM. When you have completed your participation, please e-mail the following information to Betty Charnon: Your Full Name, Description of activity (e.g., photo of product, screenshot of social media post, etc.). Important: Please let us know if you grant permission to share these on the ANC-CISMA and/or our partner Public Lands agencies' social media sites (Parents need to consent on behalf of any children under 18). Free t-shirt Volunteers will receive a free t-shirt after submitting their project. We will notify participants where t-shirts can be picked up after August 7th, or we will make alternate arrangements on an individual basis. Point of Contact: if you have any questions, please e-mail Betty Charnon. To see the whole event info in one document, click here. |
* Please Note: We've designed the virtual smackdown so that you can participate individually or in your small social bubble. We know that COVID restrictions have relaxed, but we still encourage participants in a group please adhere to CDC Social Distancing Guidelines, wear masks, and use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content frequently to minimize the risk of transmission of COVID-19 where appropriate. If participants have any of the symptoms of COVID-19, or are at greater risk for COVID-19, please do not participate in close contact with others in the event this year.